

Drone technology is finally being recognized as a crucial part of NYC buildings facade, parapet and roof inspections process.

The rules are evolving and complicated, we are part of this process. For example the Annual Parapet Inspections can be performed by drones, FISP inspections can be visually assessed but do not replace the ‘hands-on’ inspection. These rules however are being considered as NYC have endorsed the technical advantages the results are incredible. Dronegrafix holds FAA-restricted airspace waivers in Manhattan granted to us because we are renowned operators

We recommend every building (we are biased) has a drone assessment prior to the formal inspection. Checking conditions allows the building owners to budget, raise money and create a maintenance program. Very importantly, you will now have immutable evidence of existing conditions.

Dronegrafix have staff members currently involved in the FISP repairs, using drone technology has saved enormous costs.

Please feel free to call us, we can advise you on the process, regardless if you want to use our services or not we are happy to help. This is complicated, frustrating and expensive.


Use cases



Roof conditions

Water Tower

AC installation

Window Lintel

Construction Progress

Energy report

FISP Local Law 11


Parapet Inspections


Roof Inspections


FISP Local Law 11 〰️ Parapet Inspections 〰️ Roof Inspections 〰️

Facade Inspection Services

For buildings exceeding six stories, mandated inspections are essential. Our comprehensive service offers meticulous data collection, featuring high-definition photos, video documentation, thermal imaging, and the creation of 3D models. These are then securely stored in your personalized 'Digital Property Scan’. Annual reports leveraging advanced AI software overlays from previous inspections can highlight potential deterioration, ranging from minor issues like missing tiles to hidden leaks undetectable by the human eye.

Why Opt for Our Services?

The inevitability of maintenance and repair work looms over every building. With our service, your Board and Managing Agent gain access to crucial data, enabling them to assess and monitor areas of concern proactively. This data proves invaluable during official inspections, aiding in distinguishing between minor wear and tear and genuine structural problems. Should our drone inspection reveal an immediate safety hazard, prompt action is imperative. We can connect you with recommended engineers and offer guidance throughout the inspection process.

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